Glaucoma Treatment

Get your Glaucoma treated in one of the best Delhi Hospitals

Glaucoma treatment in Delhi, is a case of special care because the sight once lost cannot be recovered in this eye problem. You must go for a Glaucoma specialist like Dr. Shuchi Gupta, to get it treated.

Unfortunately, not many are aware of it: 12 million in India with 1.1 million blind; patients usually do not notice their eye problems until significant sight loss has taken place.

Our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare with cutting edge medical advancements has made our multi-speciality hospital as the best solution for this eye disease.

Dotor Shuchi

What does Glaucoma mean?

Glaucoma Treatment In Delhi

Glaucoma (also known as Kala Motiya) is an eye condition which damages the optic nerve due to increased intraocular pressure (IOP). This condition is one of the primary causes of permanent blindness around the world and with such a rising prevalence in Delhi it's vitally important that people affected have access to advanced treatments which will make an impactful difference in their lives.

What are the Symptoms?

The symptoms of Glaucoma is not identifiable as the centre vision remains perfect but it slowly reduces the side vision. However, If you face the below eye problem then you must go for an eye check-up.

Symptoms of Glaucoma
  • Blurred Vision: If your vision suddenly becomes unclear, especially in low light or after lighting changes.
  • Side Vision Loss: When you gradually find it hard to see things from the sides of your eyes.
  • Seeing Halos: Observing rainbow-colored circles around lights, especially at night or in dim settings.
  • Eye Discomfort: Feeling redness, itching, or irritation in your eyes, without a clear cause.
  • Eye Pain or Headaches: Experiencing lasting eye pain or headaches, sometimes with queasiness.
  • Tunnel-like Vision: Sensing that your view is like peering through a narrow tunnel.
  • Swollen Eyes: Encountering unexpected eye swelling, redness, or increased eye wetness.
  • Night Vision Challenges: Struggling to see well in the dark after being in a well-lit area.
  • Eye Pressure: Noticing consistent, uncomfortable pressure in your eyes.
  • Rainbow Halos: Seeing rainbow-colored circles around lights, especially bright ones.

Its management and vision preservation require early detection and treatment. If you have any of these symptoms or eye health concerns, see an ophthalmologist.

Understanding the Common Causes

The following are the reasons that might cause this serious eye problem:

Causes Of Glaucoma

1. Elevated Eye Pressure: High intraocular pressure is a primary cause.

2. Aging: Growing older heightens susceptibility.

3. Hereditary Influence: Family history affects occurrence.

4. Eye Health History: Past issues increase vulnerability.

5. Underlying Health Conditions: Diabetes, hypertension, and more contribute.

6. Steroid Usage: Prolonged steroids elevate likelihood.

7. Corneal Thinness: Thin corneas correlate with risk.

8. Optic Nerve Blood Flow: Poor flow links to onset.

9. Eye Structure: Specific structures impact risk.

Types of Glaucoma Disease

Types Of Glaucoma Eye Problem
1. Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

This type of glaucoma is very common and often called the "silent thief of sight" because it develops slowly. It happens when the drainage channels in the eye don't work well, causing the pressure inside the eye to increase. It must be diagnosed early to prevent vision loss. Intraocular pressure, optic nerve, and visual field testing can help diagnose the condition early.

2. Angle-Closure Glaucoma

This type of glaucoma comes on suddenly with a quick increase in eye pressure. It can cause serious symptoms like eye pain, nausea, and blurry vision. Quick medical attention is a must to prevent lasting damage. While it's less common, it needs fast diagnosis and treatment.

This condition needs immediate attention because the pressure rise can hurt your optic nerve, which is vital for clear vision. If you experience these symptoms, don't wait. Consult our glaucoma specialist to avoid any serious damage and keep your vision safe.

3. Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Unlike what many people think, normal-tension glaucoma happens even when eye pressure is normal. This highlights the need for thorough eye tests, as things other than pressure can harm the optic nerve.

4. Secondary Glaucoma

This type comes from other eye problems or diseases in the body. It could happen after an injury, inflammation in the eye (uveitis), or using corticosteroids for a long time. Finding and treating the main cause is crucial for effective management.

5. Congenital Glaucoma

Rare but serious, congenital glaucoma is present from birth. It occurs when the eye's drainage system doesn't develop properly. Early diagnosis and surgery are vital to save the vision of affected infants.

Cutting-Edge Treatments for Glaucoma

Managing Glaucoma involves a range of treatment options tailored to each patient's needs. In case of any doubt We measure IOP(Intra ocular pressure), Gonioscopy, HVF (Perimetry Test), and in rare cases we need to assess OCT (Eye Ultrasound). After analysing these the following treatments can be provided:

  • Medications: Prescription eye drops or oral medications to reduce intraocular pressure.
  • Laser Therapy: Advanced laser techniques to enhance drainage and lower pressure.
  • Surgery: Surgical interventions, from traditional to micro-invasive procedures, depending on the severity of the condition.

Why this eye disease is called ‘Silent Thief of Vision’?

Imagine there's a sneaky thief in your house, but you don't know they're there until your things start disappearing. That's a bit like this eye disease. It's called the 'silent thief of vision' because it can steal your sight without you even noticing.

Glaucoma Silent Thief Of Vision

Eye problems don't usually come with obvious warnings or pain. Instead, they usually develop slowly over time as pressure builds in your eyes and damages the optic nerve (the part responsible for seeing). By the time something goes amiss, your vision may have already been impaired significantly- and unfortunately there may be no way back.

Routine eye exams are essential. Your eye doctor can catch it early, before it does too much damage. So, even if you don't feel anything strange, make sure to visit your eye doctor regularly to keep your vision safe from this sneaky thief.

Conclusion: Restoring Clear Vision

Eye health in Delhi is highly valued; therefore managing this eye condition requires knowledge, surgical skill, and sight for its patients.

At Save Sight Centre we combine all three qualities so your vision remains unclouded by disease - choose our multi-speciality hospital that is passionately dedicated to restoring and saving vision.


FAQs related to Cataract Removal
Q.1 What is best treatment for glaucoma?

Ans. Special eye drops and medications, prescribed by an ophthalmologist, will be the best treatment. This will lower the pressure inside your eyes. In severe cases, the doctor can opt surgery or laser therapy.

Q.2 Can glaucoma be cured permanently?

Ans. This eye disease is irreversible. This cannot be fully cured but can be managed and controlled with treatment. Regular eye check-ups and follow the guidance of the Glaucoma specialist can help prevent further damages.

Q.3 Can glaucoma go away naturally?

Ans. No, glaucoma typically doesn't go away naturally. It's a serious eye problem that requires ongoing management and treatment to prevent further damage to the optic nerve.

Q.4 What is the main reason for glaucoma?

Ans. This is mainly caused by the increase in eye pressure which is called Intraocular pressure (IOP). This pressure can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss.

Q.5 Can I live a normal life with glaucoma?

Ans. Definitely Yes, There are many glaucoma patients living their life normally with following the treatment plan and regular eye check-ups. It can be adjusted with your lifestyle.

Q.6 What are 2 signs of glaucoma?

Ans. Two signs may include:
-Gradual loss of peripheral (side) vision.
-Increased intraocular pressure.

Q.7 What is first stage glaucoma?

Ans. This is the early stage in which there is no noticeable or mild symptoms. Early detection and treatment at his stage can prevent further vision loss. So, go for regular check-ups.

Q.8 How can I reduce eye pressure naturally?

Ans. Natural methods may help but they should not be replaced with the medical treatment. To reduce IOP naturally, you can:
-Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet.
-Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake.
-Manage stress.
-Follow your doctor's advice and take prescribed medications.

Q.9 When can glaucoma start?

Ans. It can begin at any age, but it is more common in older adults. It can congenital, so If you have a family history of this eye problem, It's important to get regular eye check-ups.

Q.10 What not to eat with glaucoma?

Ans. However, No food harms in this eye problem. However, you can follow healthy diet that is low in saturated fats and rich in fruits and vegetables for overall eye health.