Eye Surgeries

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The Best Eye Surgeries in Delhi

Excellent eye operations are available in Delhi. Eye hospitals like Save Sight Centre, offer the best eye surgeries in Delhi. The surgeries include cataract surgery, LASIK surgery, corneal transplants, retinal detachment repair, glaucoma surgery, and innovative therapies for various eye ailments. Skilled ophthalmologists use cutting-edge technologies to accomplish these procedures.

The Best Eye Surgeries in Delhi

Save Sight Centre is a leading Delhi eye surgery hospital. Patients and doctors praise this eye care centre's novel eye surgery. Dr. Rajeev Jain, the hospital's top surgeon, performs Cataract surgery, LASIK, corneal transplants, retinal operations, and more.

The hospital's dedication to cutting-edge technology and safety measures promotes successful surgeries and patient happiness. Save Sight Centre's customized attention, accessibility, and price make it a top choice for Delhi's best eye procedures.

You can consult with the Retina Specialist at Save Sight Centre. Book an Appointment now.

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts block the eye's natural lens, causing blurred vision. Cataract surgery is a frequent treatment. Two cataract surgeries exist:

Cataract Surgery in Delhi
  • Most cataract surgeries use phacoemulsification. It requires a corneal incision and a tiny probe. Ultrasound waves break up the clouded lens into little fragments, which are softly suctioned away. An intraocular lens (IOL) replaces the native lens after cataract surgery.
  • Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE): This cataract surgery is less common but may be considered for advanced or difficult cataracts. The clouded lens is removed in one piece through a bigger corneal or sclera incision. IOLs restore vision.

Local anaesthetic is used to numb the eye during both forms of cataract surgery. Outpatient surgery allows patients to return home the same day.

Cataract surgery may improve eyesight quickly, but it may take days or weeks to stabilize. Prescribed eye drops, a shield or glasses, and resting are post-operative care.

Know More About Cataract Surgery

Lasik Surgery

LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) is a popular refractive surgical method that corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It tries to eliminate glasses and contact lenses. LASIK is the safest surgery in comparison with any other surgery. It is effective vision correction procedure that improves visual acuity and reduces the need for corrective eyewear.

LASIK Surgery in Delhi

The below are the common types that is used by Save Sight Centre:

  • Trans PRK (Trans Epithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy): Trans PRK laser eye surgery corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. No corneal flap is needed for this bladeless surgery. Excimer lasers gently remove the cornea's epithelium during Trans PRK. This laser reshapes corneal tissue to rectify refractive error. Lasers treat the cornea directly without a flap. After corneal reshaping, a bandage contact lens is used to improve healing and comfort.
  • Femtosecond LASIK: It is also known as All-Laser LASIK, is a sophisticated laser eye surgery technique used to address nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It reshapes the cornea and improves vision with femtosecond and excimer lasers. This laser emits rapid pulses of light in the femtosecond range, which allows for highly precise and controlled cuts within the cornea.
  • Topo Guided Contour: This Treatment is a new refractive surgery technique that corrects corneal imperfections to improve vision. It tailors treatment to each patient's cornea using modern technology and computer-guided mapping.

Contour treatment is especially suitable for patients of Astigmatism. More than 90% of those treated with Topo Guided Contour had vision that was sharper than their glasses eyesight.

Know More Detailed Explanation About Lasik Surgery Know More About Contoura Vision

Corneal Transplant

Keratoplasty, commonly known as corneal transplantation, replaces a damaged or diseased cornea with a healthy donor cornea. Different corneal transplants address different diseases and patient demands.

Cornea Transplant in Delhi

The below are the types of corneal Transplants:

  • Full Thickness Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP): The donor cornea replaces the entire core cornea. It is utilized for full-corneal disorders like advanced keratoconus, corneal scarring, dystrophies, and ulcers. To reduce rejection, the donor cornea is matched to the patient's size and blood type.
  • Partial Thickness Corneal Transplant (DSEK/DMEK): These latest corneal transplant procedures replace only the inner layers of the cornea. DSEK restores the cornea's inner layers, including the endothelium, while DMEK replaces only the membrane and endothelium. These techniques treat corneal endothelial disorders such Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy and corneal edema. They recover faster than PKP and improve vision.

The transplant's success depends on the patient's eye health, post-operative care, and rejection risk. The eye surgeon must regularly check on the transplant's progress and resolve any issues.

We do not perform Corneal Transplant surgeries at our centre.

Retinal Detachments

The Retinal, a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye, detaches in Retinal detachment, a dangerous disorder. If left untreated, this detachment can compromise Retinal blood flow and cause vision loss. Retinal detachment often necessitates emergency surgery. Retinal detachment treatments vary by degree and location. Main therapeutic methods:

Retinal Detachment
  • Scleral Buckling: The surgeon gently pushes the eye wall towards the detached Retinal with a silicone or plastic band (scleral buckle). This method reattaches the Retinal and relieves strain. The scleral buckle supports weak Retinal areas and is usually left in place.
  • Vitrectomy: The surgeon repairs Retinal tears and fractures by removing the vitreous gel from the eye. Gas bubbles or silicone oil replace vitreous gel to assist reconnect the Retinal. The body absorbs the gas bubble, or the silicone oil is eliminated separately. Complex cases may require scleral buckling or laser photocoagulation along with vitrectomy.
  • Pneumatic Retinopexy: Injecting a gas bubble into the eye is non-invasive. The gas bubble pushes on the detached Retinal and helps it reattach by positioning the patient's head. Laser or cryopexy seals the Retinal tear. Pneumatic retinopexy is performed in an office for some Retinal detachments.
  • Laser Photocoagulation: Laser photocoagulation scars or burns Retinal tears or fractures. These scars prevent Retinal detachment. Laser photocoagulation is often used alongside other surgeries to improve Retinal reattachment.

At Save Sight Centre, the best retinal surgeon Dr. Rajeev Jain can help regain your vision with the best suitable surgery.

Know More Detailed Explanation About Retinal Detachments

Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma surgery treats eye disorders that damage the optic nerve and cause vision loss. Glaucoma surgery lowers eye pressure to prevent optic nerve damage. Several glaucoma surgeries and treatments are available:

Glaucoma Surgery in Delhi
  • Trabeculectomy: Most glaucoma surgeries involve trabeculectomy. In this surgery, a tiny drainage canal bypasses the obstructed or ineffective trabecular meshwork to drain fluid from the eye and decrease IOP. A bleb is formed under the conjunctiva after a thin flap is made in the sclera (white area of the eye). The bleb stores and drains fluid. It lowers eye pressure.
  • Tube Shunt Surgery: A short tube is placed into the eye to channel fluid from the inside to a small plate or reservoir implanted in the eye wall. The plate controls fluid outflow and IOP. This operation is designated for severe or refractory glaucoma if trabeculectomy is unlikely to work.
  • Minimally intrusive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS): These modern glaucoma surgeries are less intrusive and offer a faster recovery period. Tiny stents or devices improve the eye's natural drainage routes to lower IOP. Trabecular meshwork, suprachoroidal, and canaloplasty are MIGS techniques.
  • Laser trabeculoplasty: It improves ocular fluid drainage non-invasively. Laser trabeculoplasty can be either argon or selective. The laser stimulates the trabecular meshwork, lowering IOP and fluid drainage.
  • Cyclophotocoagulation: A laser or freezing probe treats the ciliary body to minimize fluid production in the eye. This treatment is designated for advanced or refractory glaucoma.
Know More Detailed Explanation About Glaucoma

Refractive Surgeries

Refractive surgery is a type of eye surgery used to address refractive defects such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Refractive surgery seeks to improve eyesight without the need of glasses or contact lenses.

Refractive Surgeries in Delhi

The eyesight can be corrected with many options like Lasik, PRK, Smile, Lasek, and RLE. The method of regaining your eyesight will be fully dependent on your eye conditions.

The following are the suitability criteria:

  • Refractive Error: Most refractive surgeries correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. An eye exam measures corneal curvature, thickness, and visual acuity to determine refractive error.
  • Stable Vision: Refractive surgery requires steady vision. Significant prescription changes in the past year may suggest an unstable state that could impact the procedure's long-term effectiveness.
  • Age: Age affects refractive surgery suitability. Since eyes stabilize by 18, LASIK and PRK are indicated for adults. RLE may be an option for presbyopic people over 40.
  • Eye Health: Eye health matters. Glaucoma, cataracts, keratoconus, and retinal diseases may make refractive surgery unsuitable. Refractive surgery requires a cornea, retina, and eye health evaluation.
  • Corneal Thickness: LASIK and PRK safely remove a particular amount of corneal tissue, depending on cornea thickness. Maintaining corneal stability and preventing problems requires proper corneal thickness.
  • Realistic Expectation: It's important to have realistic refractive surgery expectations. Perfect vision cannot be assured, even if the goal is to diminish or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts. Understanding the procedure's benefits and hazards is crucial.
Know More Detailed Explanation About Refractive Errors

These are the common surgeries which are executed in Delhi and Save Sight Centre. Moreover, there are expertise and experienced surgeons at Save Sight Centre, to deal with all types of eye problems.

So, your eye might not be requiring the above mentioned surgeries but the solution will definitely be provided by our doctors. To get your eye treated now, Book an Appointment Now.


Q.1 What is a pediatric eye doctor?

Ans: A pediatric eye doctor, or ophthalmologist, diagnoses and treats children's eye diseases. They specialize in pediatric eye health.

Q.2 Can a pediatrician treat the eye?

Ans: Pediatricians can treat basic health issues, but they may not be trained to treat complex eye diseases. For eye concerns, see a pediatric ophthalmologist or optometrist.

Q.3 Which doctor is best for eyes?

Ans: The optometrist can address typical eye health issues. Pediatric ophthalmologists are ideal for complex eye diseases in youngsters.

Q.4 What does a child's eye test involve?

Ans: A child's eye test typically includes checking visual acuity, eye alignment, eye movement, and examining the overall health of the eyes. This can be done through simple tests like reading an eye chart or more specialized exams for children unable to read.

Q.5 What is Paediatric Orthoptics?

Ans: Pediatric orthoptics is a branch of eye care that focuses on diagnosing and treating eye movement disorders and conditions like strabismus (crossed or misaligned eyes). Orthoptists are specialists who work with pediatric ophthalmologists to help manage these issues.

Q.6 What are the signs of vision loss?

Ans: Signs of vision loss in children may include squinting, frequent eye rubbing, holding objects very close or far away to see them, unusual eye movements, sensitivity to light, and complaints of blurred or double vision. If you notice these signs, consult a pediatric eye specialist promptly.